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She wasn’t Ken Burns, but who was? Phillip was talking with Doctor Eisenstein, who hadn’t seemed that impressed with Mindy, with the documentary, with Kansas City. Well, fuck him.I had invited my Irregulars to the afterparty. I liked to treat them every once in a while. Creaky old Cyrus Vandenberg was chatting amiably with Sergeant Louise Finch. The Raytown kids, Buster and BJ, were scarfing down appetizers.Joey Viagra had Cathal Conway’s wife, Juanita, cornered for erection updates. I didn’t worry about her; she was a part-time stripper at BaBoomz and pretty unflappable.Handsome Tony Gonzales cruised the room, chatting up each and every female except for my mother. He was already doing her. I was pretty sure Daddy knew. Maybe he knew without knowing. Then the Sullivan twins caught Tony’s eye. He made a beeline for them and seemed to be as intrigued with Jesse as Jessie. Hmm.Emile Chanson hadn’t attended the screening, but showed up for a glass and to congratulate Mindy. I saw Cathal. "My God," exclaimed Jan, "They're having an orgy!"Bill stood paralyzed at the sight of Stan thrusting his cock into Nancy's pussy. Her hips were thrusting back at a rapid pace. Bob had his knees under Nancy's armpits and she sucked his cock greedily, pulling against Bob's ass cheeks with her hands as he stroked into her mouth. Bob's face was buried in Sandy's snatch as she sat spread-eagled on the couch. "Turn out the god damn lights," moaned Sandy."You're so tight, Nancy. I can't hold off much longer," panted Stan.Nancy let Bob's cock slip out of her mouth long enough to moan, "Fuck me harder! I love it! Fuck me harder!"Jan felt Bill start to push by her to rush into the room. She grabbed his arm with all her strength and said in a loud whisper, "Don't do something brash and stupid. Consensual sex is happening here. No one's getting raped. Come back in the kitchen with me and let's think this out."The tension in Bill subsided a fraction. Jan pulled the door shut and practically.
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