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Lynne took her tape and instintivly Celia lifted her tits to allow Lynne to measure her chest size first. Lynne then measured over the fullest point of Celia's tits making sure she gave them a nice feel in the process. Well you are a lucky lady Lynne commented 38 H is one of our larger size bras that we stock. Celia commented but I am wearing a 36FF, Barbara grasped the still warm garment and checked it out. Well that is why we measure all our ladies and you will need to be comfortable in doing that. Why dont you measure Barbara nad see what size you make her. Barbara had her dress off so quick to show her tiny titties in her white brassierre along with matching deep suspender belt and knickers with tan FF nylons and high heels. Dont be shy Lynne said and handed Celia the tape, as Barbara unclasped her brassierre and handed it to Lynne. Celia fumbled but managed to lift Barbara's little titties and took the measurement as 34, then over the full bust, so that Lynne told her this made. In fact, there were some people walking around as well. Beverly said, "Brian I don't think this is a good idea, look at all the cars." "I think there are still several more levels, let's see how the rest of it looks." As we got closer to the top it thinned out a lot, and then suddenly we were on a level with only a few cars on it, then, on the next level, just one car. "Look Beverly, just one car, we have the place to ourselves. No one is going to come up here. Let's just start with a blowjob and see how it goes." I tilted the seat back while Beverly took out my cock. It quickly became hard in Beverly's soft mouth. She was twirling her tongue around the head, and she started moving her mouth up and down on it as it got harder. I pulled off her shirt and bra while she sucked my dick. I held and squeezed her tits to help reduce the strain on her back. I suggested, "How 'bout I get out and stand next to the passenger seat with the door open?" "Sure, that might be easier for me.".
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