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Avery had to keep himself from falling off the bed at this abrupt change of mind. ‘What are you doing here?’ Cypress demanded. Confused, Avery turned, following her narrowed gaze. He swallowed hard at what he saw: there was yet another genie standing in his bedroom. He was positive that she was a genie, and not just because she’d somehow appeared in his apartment without coming through any doors. Although her outfit was a bit more practical than Cypress’ had been, it was also very harem girl-ish. Her blonde hair was absolutely perfect and the color of her eyes was inhumanly intense. Unlike Cypress, though, there were no bands around her upper arms. ‘Aw, isn’t this cozy?’ the newcomer cooed, tilting her head in the same annoying way that Vivian did. ‘What are you doing here?’ Cypress repeated. She had regained her strength, and she looked furious. ‘Oh, just checking in,’ the other genie said, smiling maliciously. ‘Boy, you sure got lucky. I was furious with Savion for screwing this. It seemed hard to believe with an ass like that. It was made to worship, and I was on my knees doing just that. I was going form her pussy to her ass, getting it lubed up. Then I slid my head under her and just sucking her pussy while working a finger into her virgin ass. She relaxed in a couple of minutes, and started fucking her a little faster. She was moving her ass now to keep up with my finger. She told me to try another one. I worked in the second one slowly and she seemed to like that. She told me that she had to lie down because she couldn’t stay on her knees any longer; she was getting a little too shaky. I got one of the pillows and told her to lay it under her stomach so her ass was up in the air. I got a bottle of lotion that she had next to her bed, and squeezed a large amount of it in the crack of her ass. I started to work it around and in her ass. She was cooing and moving her ass around. I got up behind her and started rubbing the head of my dick over her slick.
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