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Sat, May 26 Philadelphia (PHL),Los Angeles, CA (LAX) Travel Time: 5 hr 45 mn Distance: 3,406 miles Flight: IT641 Aircraft: Airbus A301 Class: Economy Meal: For purchase Sean: Every girl supposedly dreams of her wedding. I had no such illusions about Sheila, but I thought the Ball would lift her spirits. No joy. After a couple of dances, the two of us were back at schmoozing, so she never got out on the floor. I had more luck sending CC after kegel balls and restraints. It tickled my fancy when Sheila decided to wear one of the silk scarves over her hair. It was easy to visualize the same scarf over her eyes, while I put her body through its paces. Once we were in the Bentley, things were better. Sheila wanted to get close and snuggle. I could sympathize, but we had a lot of traveling to do before we reached the south Pacific. Instead I had her open the picnic basket and pull out the nosh. Sheila had liked the cheese and crackers from our first date, so I had selected food along the. "Except from Jason Williams, that is", he corrected himself.If she didn't know any better she would assume that he was jealous. But no, he was just possessive. "This is between you and me Mr. Devlin. It has nothing to do with Jason"."I wonder...", he said looking thoughtful, "What did he do to get you to sleep with him? Perhaps I should call him and ask for advice..." He reached for the phone but Jen smacked his hand."Don't you dare!" Jennifer you look like a smitten teenager". How she hated him when he was saying things like that! "Don't worry, I was just kidding. Besides, you have already explained it to me. He is kind and caring and I'm a heartless bastard. Let's leave it at that. However, I still believe that the best way to deal with our problem is to fuck".Jen wondered if he was trying to shock her. She decided to fight back. "Very well Mr. Devlin, I'll sleep with you..." He was smiling triumphantly and he approached her, ready to claim his prize. "Once", she added.The shot.
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